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Our work in Nicaragua has been both busy and really great! My squad of 20 has been working hard to support the ministry here and we have been loving it. Again, I have been mainly working on painting the ministry buildings. My team of three other painters and I have been working eight hours per day to get multiple buildings prepped and painted. The people that are working here at Light and Salt Ministries work tirelessly to make the ministry what it is, and it has been such an honor to support them with serving as a painter so that they do not have to stop their everyday work to complete these projects. The other people on my squad have been working similar projects such as construction, teaching in the classroom, and helping out in supportive jobs for the ministry.

It has been really great to be supportive of this ministry through painting projects, but God has really pushed me to see the role of ministry as being bigger than just the work that I do on the day to day. There are so many other opportunities to get to know / love people here in the community of Ciudad Dario.

One example of how this month has allowed me to see this is through a program that the ministry runs called Mercy in Action. This is a program where rice, oil, and beans, is taken to the homes of different elderly people in the community a couple of times per month to support their physical needs and pray over them. Many of the elderly in Nicaragua are cast out by their families once they can no longer financially support themselves, and there are no programs in place to help the elderly here. Through helping with the program here I was able to visit about seven homes in the community and deliver food to people that have no other way to get nutrition- many of which were also handicapped and/or have disabilities. We carried over 60 pounds of rice and beans over eight miles to get the food to the right people and it was my favorite day since being here.

This experience was extremely impactful, and I was so touched to meet these people and help out in the little way that I could. The people that I met were so kind and thankful for what the ministry here is able to provide to them. One person that impacted me greatly was named Joe*. He had multiple disabilities and lived in a house that was no more than 10 feet by 10 feet and when we showed up, he was so friendly, invited us in, shared his story, and we prayed with him.

Another example of this that I loved has been getting to know one of the women that works in the kitchen here at the school. Her name is Martha, and she invited a few of us to her home one day after we finished working. We walked to the other side of town, and met some of her friends, ate great Nicaraguan food and shared about our lives! We loved having the opportunity to talk with them and getting to know them on a deeper level. It has been such a sweet blessing to have great conversations with the people here and I will miss them when we leave.

Thank you for your prayers, for your support and for keeping up with the ministry around Nicaragua. I would love if you could pray for the elderly members of the community of Ciudad Dario and for the children who are attending the school here at the ministry.

With love always,


*name changed for privacy


One response to “Mercy in Action”

  1. Everywhere on earth there is soooo much need!….for cleaning up the environment, helping and healing people, food, and especially for the only real solution to all those problems…God! Dear God, POUR your Holy Spirit down on these people, all of Nicaragua, and on the WHOLE WORLD! In Jesus’ name, amen.
    Thank you for sharing the specific needs of the people of Ciudad Dario.